Why Choose Us
Same Day Service
Call or stop in to ask about same day service options. These options include: same day dentures, Same day tooth extractions, Same day no obligation, free consultation.
*Same day availability limitations may apply
In-House Lab / On-site Custom Teeth
Making a life changing impact starts with our unparalleled ability to transform your smile. All dentures and implant dentures are custom made by our on-site master lab technicians. With eliminating the middle man of off-site commercial mass production teeth, we are able to make our smiles more affordable and more custom than ever before.
Not only do we listen to you and customize our treatment to reach your goals, but we also do so in a safe and comfortable environment. Surgeries can be performed while our patients sleep.
One Stop Shop
Affordable, convenient, natural tooth replacement is what we do. With every step A to Z completed by our talented team, you can trust your end goal will be reached. You no longer have to start the process at one dentist office and finish it at another.
Easy Financing / No Hidden Fees (click here)
There are no requirements to purchase a package to receive our affordable discounts. There are also no subscription requirements and all costs are discussed up front prior to beginning treatment. We have two great financing options available: Proceed Finance and Care Credit. We also take cash/check, credit card, amongst other options that we can discuss in depth at the free consultation appointment.
Free Consultation / X-Ray
All treatments are discussed at a free consultation. Here Dr. Olson and his team do a thorough and efficient evaluation while processing all of your dental needs. This consultation is for you to make sure we are moving forward with your specific wants, needs, and desires for your new teeth.
Welcome to Impact Dental
The only doctor owned In-House Lab around.
Our mission is to provide life changing tooth replacement on a daily basis. We start with a free consultation and move at a comfortable pace set by our patients to achieve the results you desire. A multitude of tooth replacement options, an in-house laboratory, and a very experienced team allows us to give a new smile in as little as one day.
Impact Dental is a judge-free zone that allows patients to access affordable tooth replacement options. Each patient is fully informed of their options prior to treatment and we customize all treatment to suit your needs.
Not only is our goal to impact you, We find it that our patients are impacting us. We often say, we like to give a new smile to get a smile.

Our Services
Our Services
Please Contact Us To Discuss Your Free Consultation!
Impact Dental
108 South Minnesota Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57104